

CN lab Manual

Computer Networks Lab

B.Tech. III Year I Sem.

Course Objectives:

1. To understand the working principle of various communication protocols.

2. To understand the network simulator environment and visualize a network topology 

and observe its performance

3. To analyze the traffic flow and the contents of protocol frames

Course Outcomes:

1. Implement data link layer farming methods

2. Analyze error detection and error correction codes.

3. Implement and analyze routing and congestion issues in network design.

4. Implement Encoding and Decoding techniques used in presentation layer

5. To be able to work with different network tools

List of Experiments

1. Implement the data link layer framing methods such as character, character-stuffing 

and bit stuffing.

2. Write a program to compute CRC code for the polynomials CRC-12, CRC-16 and 


3. Develop a simple data link layer that performs the flow control using the sliding 

window protocol, and loss recovery using the Go-Back-N mechanism.

4. Implement Dijsktra’s algorithm to compute the shortest path through a network

5. Take an example subnet of hosts and obtain a broadcast tree for the subnet.

6. Implement distance vector routing algorithm for obtaining routing tables at each node.

7. Implement data encryption and data decryption

8. Write a program for congestion control using Leaky bucket algorithm.

9. Write a program for frame sorting techniques used in buffers.


i. Packet Capture Using Wire shark

ii. Starting Wire shark

iii. Viewing Captured Traffic

iv. Analysis and Statistics & Filters.

11. How to run Nmap scan

12. Operating System Detection using Nmap

13. Do the following using NS2 Simulator

i. NS2 Simulator-Introduction

ii. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped

iii. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped by TCP/UDP

iv. Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped due to Congestion

v. Simulate to Compare Data Rate& Throughput.

vi. Simulate to Plot Congestion for Different Source/Destination

vii. Simulate to Determine the Performance with respect to Transmission of 



Aim: Implement the data link layer framing methods such as. 

i. Character stuffing

ii. Bit stuffing.


Step 1. Start

Step 2. Append DLE STX at the beginning of the string

Step 3. Check the data if character is present; if character DLE is present in the string

(example DOODLE) insert another DLE in the string (ex: DOODLEDLE)

Step 4. Transmit DLE ETXat the end of the string

Step 5. Display the string

Step 6. Stop







char a[30], fs[50] = " ", t[3], sd, ed, x[3], s[3], d[3], y[3];

inti, j, p = 0, q = 0;


printf("Enter characters to be stuffed:");

scanf("%s", &a);

printf("\nEnter a character that represents starting delimiter:");

scanf(" %c", &sd);

printf("\nEnter a character that represents ending delimiter:");

scanf(" %c", &ed);

x[0] = s[0] = s[1] = sd;

x[1] = s[2] = '\0';

y[0] = d[0] = d[1] = ed;

d[2] = y[1] = '\0';

strcat(fs, x);

for(i = 0; i<strlen(a); i++)


t[0] = a[i];

t[1] = '\0';

if(t[0] == sd)

strcat(fs, s);

elseif(t[0] == ed)

strcat(fs, d);


strcat(fs, t);


strcat(fs, y);

printf("\n After stuffing:%s", fs);




Enter characters to be stuffed: goodday

Enter a character that represents starting delimiter: d

Enter a character that represents ending delimiter: g

After stuffing: dggooddddayg

ii) BIT Stuffing program


Step 1. Start

Step 2. Initialize the array for transmitted stream with the special bit pattern 0111 1110

which indicates the beginning of the frame.

Step 3. Get the bit stream to be transmitted in to the array.

Step 4. Check for five consecutive ones and if they occur, stuff a bit 0

Step 5. Display the data transmitted as it appears on the data line after appending 0111 

1110 at the end

Step 6. For de−stuffing, copy the transmitted data to another array after detecting the 

stuffed bits

Step 7. Display the received bit stream

Step 8. Stop

Source code



void main()




printf("Enter Data Bits: ");


printf("\nData Bits After Bit stuffing: ");

for(i=0; i<strlen(databits); i++)

















AIM: Implement on a data set of characters the three CRC polynomials – CRC 12,

CRC 16 and CRC CCIP.


CRC means Cyclic Redundancy Check. It is the most famous and traditionally successful 

mechanism used in error detection through the parity bits installed within the data and 

obtaining checksum which acts as the verifier to check whether the data retreived at the 

reciever end is genuine or not. Various operations are involved in implementing CRC on a 

data set through CRC generating polynomials. In the program, I have also provided the user 

to opt for Error detection whereby he can proceed for it. Understand the program below as it 

is much simpler than pretented to be so.


Step 1. A string of n as is appended to the data unit. The length of predetermined divisor 

is n+ 1.

Step 2. The newly formed data unit 1. A string of n as is appended to the data unit. The 

length of predetermined divisor is n+ 1.

i.e. original data + string of n as are divided by the divisor using binary division and 

remainderis obtained. This remainder is called CRC.

Step 3. Now, string of n Os appended to data unit is replaced by the CRC remainder 

(which is also of n bit).

Step 4. The data unit + CRC is then transmitted to receiver.

Step 5. The receiver on receiving it divides data unit + CRC by the same divisor & 

checks theremainder.

Step 6. If the remainder of division is zero, receiver assumes that there is no error in 

data and itaccepts it.

Step 7. If remainder is non-zero then there is an error in data and receiver rejects it.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>



inti, j, k, m, n, cl;

char a[10], b[100], c[100];



scanf("%s", &a);

printf("\n ENTER THE FRAME:");


m = strlen(a);

n = strlen(b);

for (i = 0; i< m; i++)

/*Toeliminat first zeros inpolynomial */


if (a[i] == '1')


m = m - i;




for (k = 0; k < m; k++)

/*To Adjust the polynomial


a[k] = a[k + i];

cl = m + n - 1;

for (i = 0; i< n; i++) /*To copy the original frame to c[]*/

c[i] = b[i];

for (i = n; i< cl; i++) /*To add n-1 zeros at the end of frame */

c[i] = '0';

c[i] = '\0'; /*To make it as a string */

for (i = 0; i< n; i++) /*To set polynomial remainder at end of c[]*/

if (c[i] == '1')


for (j = i, k = 0; k < m; k++, j++)

if (a[k] == c[j])

c[j] = '0';

else c[j] = '1';


for (i = 0; i< n; i++) /*To copy original data in c[]*/

c[i] = b[i];

printf("\n THE MESSAGE IS: %s", c);






THE MESSAGE IS: 10011101011



THE MESSAGE IS: 1010101101


AIM: Develop a simple data link layer that performs the flow control using the sliding 

window protocol, and loss recovery using the Go-Back-N mechanism.


Step 1. Start the program.

Step 2. Get the frame size from the user

Step 3. To create the frame based on the user request.

Step 4. To send frames to server from the client side.

Step 5. If your frames reach the server it will send ACK signal to client otherwise it will send 

NACK signal to client.

Step 6. Stop the program



int main()



 printf("Enter window size: ");


 printf("\nEnter number of frames to transmit: ");


 printf("\nEnter %d frames: ",f);



 printf("\nWith sliding window protocol the frames will be sent 

in the following manner (assuming no corruption of frames)\n\n");

 printf("After sending %d frames at each stage sender waits for 

acknowledgement sent by the receiver\n\n",w);






 printf("Acknowledgement of above frames sent is received 

by sender\n\n");



 printf("%d ",frames[i]);



 printf("\nAcknowledgement of above frames sent is received 

by sender\n");

 return 0;



Enter window size: 3

Enter number of frames to transmit: 5

Enter 5 frames: 12 5 89 4 6

With sliding window protocol the frames will be sent in the following manner (assuming no 

corruption of frames)

After sending 3 frames at each stage sender waits for acknowledgement sent by the receiver

12 5 89

Acknowledgement of above frames sent is received by sender

4 6

Acknowledgement of above frames sent is received by sender


AIM: Implement Dijkstra‘s algorithm to compute the Shortest path through a network


Step 1: Create a set shortPath to store vertices that come in the way of the shortest path tree.

Step 2: Initialize all distance values as INFINITE and assign distance values as 0 for source 

vertex so that it is picked first.

Step 3: Loop until all vertices of the graph are in the shortPath.

Step 3.1: Take a new vertex that is not visited and is nearest.

Step 3.2: Add this vertex to shortPath.

Step 3.3: For all adjacent vertices of this vertex update distances. Now check every 

adjacent vertex of V, if sum of distance of u and weight of edge is elss the update it.




#define INFINITY 9999

#define MAX 10

void dijkstra(int G[MAX][MAX], int n, int startnode);

int main() {

 int G[MAX][MAX], i, j, n, u;

 printf("Enter no. of vertices:");

 scanf("%d", & n);

 printf("\nEnter the adjacency matrix:\n");

 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

 for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

 scanf("%d", & G[i][j]);

 printf("\nEnter the starting node:");

 scanf("%d", & u);

 dijkstra(G, n, u);

 return 0;


void dijkstra(int G[MAX][MAX], int n, int startnode) {

 int cost[MAX][MAX], distance[MAX], pred[MAX];

 int visited[MAX], count, mindistance, nextnode, i, j;

 //pred[] stores the predecessor of each node

 //count gives the number of nodes seen so far

 //create the cost matrix

 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

 for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

 if (G[i][j] == 0)

 cost[i][j] = INFINITY;


 cost[i][j] = G[i][j];

 //initialize pred[],distance[] and visited[]

 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

 distance[i] = cost[startnode][i];

 pred[i] = startnode;

 visited[i] = 0;


 distance[startnode] = 0;

 visited[startnode] = 1;

 count = 1;

 while (count < n - 1) {

 mindistance = INFINITY;

 //nextnode gives the node at minimum distance

 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

 if (distance[i] < mindistance && !visited[i]) {

 mindistance = distance[i];

 nextnode = i;


 //check if a better path exists through nextnode

 visited[nextnode] = 1;

 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

 if (!visited[i])

 if (mindistance + cost[nextnode][i] < distance[i]) {

 distance[i] = mindistance + cost[nextnode][i];

 pred[i] = nextnode;




 //print the path and distance of each node

 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

 if (i != startnode) {

 printf("\nDistance of node%d=%d", i, distance[i]);

 printf("\nPath=%d", i);

 j = i;

 do {

 j = pred[j];

 printf("<-%d", j);

 } while (j != startnode);





AIM: Implement broadcast tree for a given subnet of hosts


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Select any edge of minimal value that is not a loop. This is the first edge of T.

Step 3: Select any remaining edge of G having minimal value that does not from a circuit with 

the edges already included in T.

Continue Step 4: until T contains n-1 edges where n is the number of vertices of G.

Step 5: Stop



int p, q, u, v, n;

int min = 99, mincost = 0;

int t[50][2], i, j;

int parent[50], edge[50][50];

void main() {

printf("\n Enter the number of nodes");

scanf("%d", & n);

for (i = 0; i< n; i++) {

printf("%c\t", 65 + i);

parent[i] = -1;



for (i = 0; i< n; i++) {

printf("%c", 65 + i);

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

scanf("%d", & edge[i][j]);


for (i = 0; i< n; i++) {

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

if (edge[i][j] != 99)

if (min > edge[i][j]) {

min = edge[i][j];

 u = i;

 v = j;


 p = find(u);

 q = find(v);

if (p != q) {

t[i][0] = u;

t[i][1] = v;

mincost = mincost + edge[u][v];

sunion(p, q);

 } else {

t[i][0] = -1;

t[i][1] = -1;


min = 99;


printf("Minimum cost is %d\n Minimum spanning tree is\n", mincost);

for (i = 0; i< n; i++)

if (t[i][0] != -1 && t[i][1] != -1) {

printf("%c %c %d", 65 + t[i][0], 65 + t[i][1],





sunion(int l, int m) {

parent[l] = m;


find(int l) {

if (parent[l] > 0)

 l = parent[l];

return l;




NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: Distance Vector routing.

AIM: Obtain Routing table at each node using distance vector routing algorithm for a

given subnet.


At each node x,

STEP 1:Initialization

for all destinations y in N:

Dx(y) = c(x,y) // If y is not a neighbor then c(x,y) = ∞

for each neighbor w

Dw(y) = ? for all destination y in N.

for each neighbor w

send distance vector Dx = [ Dx(y) : y in N ] to w

STEP 2: loop

 wait(until I receive any distance vector from some neighbor w)

 for each y in N:

 Dx(y) = minv{c(x,v)+Dv(y)}

If Dx(y) is changed for any destination y

Send distance vector Dx = [ Dx(y) : y in N ] to all neighbors




struct node {

 unsigned dist[20];

 unsigned from[20];



int main() {

 int costmat[20][20];

 int nodes, i, j, k, count = 0;

 printf("\nEnter the number of nodes : ");

 scanf("%d", & nodes); //Enter the nodes

 printf("\nEnter the cost matrix :\n");

 for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++) {

 for (j = 0; j < nodes; j++) {

 scanf("%d", & costmat[i][j]);

 costmat[i][i] = 0;

 rt[i].dist[j] = costmat[i][j]; //initialise the distance equal to cost matrix

 rt[i].from[j] = j;



 do {

 count = 0;

 for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++) //We choose arbitary vertex k and we calculate the direct distance 

from the node i to k using the cost matrix

 //and add the distance from k to node j

 for (j = 0; j < nodes; j++)

 for (k = 0; k < nodes; k++)

 if (rt[i].dist[j] > costmat[i][k] + rt[k].dist[j]) { //We calculate the minimum distance

 rt[i].dist[j] = rt[i].dist[k] + rt[k].dist[j];

 rt[i].from[j] = k;



 } while (count != 0);

 for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++) {

 printf("\n\n For router %d\n", i + 1);

 for (j = 0; j < nodes; j++) {

 printf("\t\nnode %d via %d Distance %d ", j + 1, rt[i].from[j] + 1, rt[i].dist[j]);







Enter the number of nodes :


Enter the cost matrix :

0 2 7

2 0 1

7 1 0

For router 1

node 1 via 1 Distance 0

node 2 via 2 Distance 2

node 3 via 3 Distance 3

For router 2

node 1 via 1 Distance 2

node 2 via 2 Distance 0

node 3 via 3 Distance 1

For router 3

node 1 via 1 Distance 3

node 2 via 2 Distance 1

node 3 via 3 Distance 0



AIM: Using RSA algorithm encrypt a text data and Decrypt the same.


Step 1: Two prime numbers are selected as p and q

Step 2: n = pq which is the modulus of both the keys.

Step 3: Calculate totient = (p-1)(q-1)

Step 4: Choose e such that e > 1 and coprime to totient which means gcd (e, 

totient) must be equal to 1, e is the public key

Step 5: Choose d such that it satisfies the equation de = 1 + k (totient), d is the 

private key not known to everyone.

Step 6: Cipher text is calculated using the equation c = m^e mod n where m is the 


Step 7: With the help of c and d we decrypt message using equation m = c^d mod 

n where d is the private key.







long int p,q,n,t,flag,e[100],d[100],temp[100],j,m[100],en[100],i; 

char msg[100]; 

int prime(long int); 

void ce(); 

long int cd(long int); 

void encrypt(); 

void decrypt(); 

void main() 






 printf("\nWRONG INPUT\n"); 







 printf("\nWRONG INPUT\n"); 



printf("\nENTER MESSAGE\n"); 








printf("\nPOSSIBLE VALUES OF e AND d ARE\n"); 






int prime(long int pr) 

int i; 




 return 0; 

return 1; 

void ce() 

int k; 


















long int cd(long int x) 

long int k=1; 





void encrypt() 

long int pt,ct,key=e[0],k,len; 




















void decrypt() 

long int pt,ct,key=d[0],k; 




















AIM: Write a program for congestion control using Leaky bucket algorithm.


Step 1: Initialize a counter to n at the tick of the clock.

Step 2: Repeat until n is smaller than the packet size of the packet at the head of the 


1. Pop a packet out of the head of the queue, say P.

2. Send the packet P, into the network

3. Decrement the counter by the size of packet P.

Step 3: Reset the counter and go to step 1.





void main() {


packets[8], i, j, clk, b_size, o_rate, i_rate, p_sz_rm = 0, p_sz, p_time;


for (i = 0; i< 5; ++i) {

packets[i] = rand() % 10;

if (packets[i] == 0) --i;


printf("Enter output rate:");

scanf("%d", &o_rate);

printf("\nEnter bucket size:");

scanf("%d", &b_size);

for (i = 0; i< 5; ++i) {

if ((packets[i] + p_sz_rm) >b_size) {

if (packets[i] >b_size)

printf("\nIncoming packet size:%d greater than

bucket capacity\ n ",packets[i]);

elseprintf("Bucket size exceeded\n");


else {

p_sz = packets[i];

p_sz_rm += p_sz;

printf("\n------------------------------------------------- -

 \n ");

printf("Incoming packet:%d", p_sz); printf("\nTransmission left:%d\n", p_sz_rm); p_time = 

rand() % 10; printf("Next packet will come at %d", p_time);

for (clk = 0; clk<p_time&&p_sz_rm> 0; ++clk) {

printf("\nTime left %d---No packets to

transmit!!\n ",p_time-clk);


if (p_sz_rm) {


if (p_sz_rm<o_rate)

p_sz_rm = 0;

elsep_sz_rm -= o_rate;

printf("Bytes remaining:%d\n", p_sz_rm);

 } else printf("No packets to transmit\n");








AIM: Write a program for frame sorting techniques used in buffers.


Step 1: Enter the number of frames

Step 2: Enter the frame contents for sequence number

Step 3: divides the stream of bits received from the network layer into manageable data units 

called frames

Step 4: If frames are to be distributed to different systems on the network, the Data link layer 

adds a header to the frame to define the sender and/or receiver of the frame.


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define FSize 3

typedef struct packet{int SeqNum; char Data[FSize+1];}packet;

struct packet *readdata, *transdata;

int divide(char *msg) {

int msglen, NoOfPacket, i, j;

msglen = strlen(msg);

NoOfPacket = msglen/FSize;

if ((msglen%FSize)!=0) NoOfPacket++;

readdata = (struct packet *)malloc(sizeof(packet) * NoOfPacket);

for(i = 0; i < NoOfPacket; i++) {

readdata[i].SeqNum = i + 1;

for (j = 0; (j < FSize) && (*msg != '\0'); j++, msg++)

readdata[i].Data[j] = *msg;

readdata[i].Data[j] = '\0';


printf("\nThe Message has been divided as follows\n");

printf("\nPacket No. Data\n\n");

for (i = 0; i < NoOfPacket; i++)

printf(" %2d %s\n", readdata[i].SeqNum,


return NoOfPacket;


void shuffle(int NoOfPacket) {

int *Status;

int i, j, trans;


Status=(int * )calloc(NoOfPacket, sizeof(int));

transdata = (struct packet *)malloc(sizeof(packet) * NoOfPacket);

for (i = 0; i < NoOfPacket;) {

trans = rand()%NoOfPacket;

if (Status[trans]!=1) {

transdata[i].SeqNum = readdata[trans].SeqNum;

strcpy(transdata[i].Data, readdata[trans].Data);

i++; Status[trans] = 1;





void sortframes(int NoOfPacket) {

packet temp;

int i, j;

for (i = 0; i < NoOfPacket; i++)

for (j = 0; j < NoOfPacket – i-1; j++)

if (transdata[j].SeqNum > transdata[j + 1].SeqNum) {

temp.SeqNum = transdata[j].SeqNum;

strcpy(temp.Data, transdata[j].Data);

transdata[j].SeqNum = transdata[j + 1].SeqNum;

strcpy(transdata[j].Data, transdata[j + 1].Data);

transdata[j + 1].SeqNum = temp.SeqNum;

strcpy(transdata[j + 1].Data, temp.Data);



void receive(int NoOfPacket) {

int i;

printf("\nPackets received in the following order\n");

for (i = 0; i < NoOfPacket; i++) printf("%4d", transdata[i].SeqNum);


printf("\n\nPackets in order after sorting..\n");

for (i = 0; i < NoOfPacket; i++) printf("%4d", transdata[i].SeqNum);

printf("\n\nMessage received is :\n");

for (i = 0; i < NoOfPacket; i++) printf("%s", transdata[i].Data);


void main() {

char *msg;

int NoOfPacket;


printf("\nEnter The message to be Transmitted :\n");

scanf("%[^\n]", msg);

NoOfPacket = divide(msg);








Enter The messgae to be Transmitted :

hi, it was nice meeting u on sunday

The Message has been divided as follows

Packet No. Data

1 hi,

2 it

3 wa

4 s n

5 ice

6 me

7 eti

8 ng

9 u o

10 n s

11 und

12 ay

Packets received in the following order

4 2 6 3 5 1 8 9 11 7 12 10

Packets in order after sorting..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Message received is :

hi, it was nice meeting u on sunday


Note: Find the steps given in experiments to run the tools.

AIM: Wireshark

i. Packet Capture Using Wire shark

ii. Starting Wire shark

iii. Viewing Captured Traffic

iv. Analysis and Statistics & Filters.


What is Wireshark?

Wireshark is an open-source packet analyzer, which is used for education, analysis, software 

development, communication protocol development, and network troubleshooting.

It is used to track the packets so that each one is filtered to meet our specific needs. It is 

commonly called as a sniffer, network protocol analyzer, and network analyzer. It is also 

used by network security engineers to examine security problems.

Wireshark is a free to use application which is used to apprehend the data back and forth. It is 

often called as a free packet sniffer computer application. It puts the network card into an 

unselective mode, i.e., to accept all the packets which it receives.

Uses of Wireshark:

Wireshark can be used in the following ways:

1. It is used by network security engineers to examine security problems.

2. It allows the users to watch all the traffic being passed over the network.

3. It is used by network engineers to troubleshoot network issues.

4. It also helps to troubleshoot latency issues and malicious activities on your network.

5. It can also analyze dropped packets.

6. It helps us to know how all the devices like laptop, mobile phones, desktop, switch, 

routers, etc., communicate in a local network or the rest of the world.

What is a packet?

A packet is a unit of data which is transmitted over a network between the origin and the 

destination. Network packets are small, i.e., maximum 1.5 Kilobytes for Ethernet packets 

and 64 Kilobytes for IP packets. The data packets in the Wireshark can be viewed online and 

can be analyzed offline.

i) Starting Wire shark

Step 1: Open the wire shark software

ii) Packet Capture Using Wire shark

Step 1:


Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4: Create a file to save captured packets

Step 5: Press red button to stop capturing packets

Step 6: Now open the captured packet file 

iii) Viewing Captured Traffic

Step 1: Viewing Packets You Have Captured

Once you have captured some packets or you have opened a previously saved capture file, you 

can view the packets that are displayed in the packet list pane by simply clicking on a packet 

in the packet list pane, which will bring up the selected packet in the tree view and byte view 


You can then expand any part of the tree to view detailed information about each protocol in 

each packet. Clicking on an item in the tree will highlight the corresponding bytes in the byte 

view. An example with a TCP packet selected is shown in Figure 1, “Wireshark with a TCP 

packet selected for viewing”. It also has the Acknowledgment number in the TCP header 

selected, which shows up in the byte view as the selected bytes.

Fig 1. Wireshark with a TCP packet selected for viewing

Step 2:

You can also select and view packets the same way while Wireshark is capturing if you 

selected “Update list of packets in real time” in the “Capture Preferences” dialog box.

In addition you can view individual packets in a separate window as shown in Figure 2, 

“Viewing a packet in a separate window”. You can do this by double-clicking on an item in 

the packet list or by selecting the packet in which you are interested in the packet list pane and 


Step 3: View → Show Packet in New Window. This allows you to easily compare two or 

more packets, even across multiple files.

Figure 2. Viewing a packet in a separate window

iv) Analysis and Statistics & Filters.

Analyzing data packets on Wireshark

Wireshark shows you three different panes for inspecting packet data. The Packet List, the 

top pane, lists all the packets in the capture. When you click on a packet, the other two panes 

change to show you the details about the selected packet. You can also tell if the packet is 

part of a conversation. Here are details about each column in the top pane:

 No.: This is the number order of the packet captured. The bracket indicates that this 

packet is part of a conversation.

 Time: This column shows how long after you started the capture this particular packet 

was captured. You can change this value in the Settings menu to display a different 


 Source: This is the address of the system that sent the packet.

 Destination: This is the address of the packet destination.

 Protocol: This is the type of packet. For example: TCP, DNS, DHCPv6, or ARP.

 Length: This column shows you the packet’s length, measured in bytes.

 Info: This column shows you more information about the packet contents, which will 

vary depending on the type of packet.

Packet Details, the middle pane, shows you as much readable information about the packet 

as possible, depending on the packet type. You can right-click and create filters based on the 

highlighted text in this field.

The bottom pane, Packet Bytes, displays the packet exactly as it was captured in 


When looking at a packet that is part of a conversation, you can right-click the packet and 

select Follow to see only the packets that are part of that conversation.

Wireshark filters

Some of the best features of Wireshark are the capture filters and display filters. Filters allow 

you to view the capture the way you need to see it to troubleshoot the issues at hand. Below 

are several filters to get you started.

Wireshark capture filters

Capture filters limit the captured packets by the chosen filter. If the packets don’t match the 

filter, Wireshark won’t save them. Examples of capture filters include:

host IP-address: This filter limits the captured traffic to and from the IP address

net This filter captures all traffic on the subnet

dst host IP-address: Capture packets sent to the specified host

port 53: Capture traffic on port 53 only

port not 53 and not arp: Capture all traffic except DNS and ARP traffic

Wireshark display filters

Wireshark display filters change the view of the capture during analysis. After you’ve 

stopped the packet capture, use display filters to narrow down the packets in the Packet List 

to troubleshoot your issue.

One of the most useful display filters is:

ip.src==IP-address and ip.dst==IP-address

This filter shows packets sent from one computer (ip.src) to another (ip.dst). You can also 

use ip.addr to show packets to and from that IP. Other filters include:

tcp.porteq 25: This filter will show you all traffic on port 25, which is usually SMTP traffic

icmp: This filter will show you only ICMP traffic in the capture, most likely they are pings

ip.addr != IP_address: This filter shows you all traffic except the traffic to or from the 

specified computer

Analysts even build filters to detect specific attacks, like this filter used to detect the Sasser 



Step 4: Metrics and statistics

Under the Statistics menu, you’ll find a plethora of options to view details about your capture.

Step 5: Capture File Properties:

Step 6: Wireshark I/O Graph:


AIM: How to run Nmap scan

1. Download the Nmap installer. This can be found for free from the developer’s website. 

It is highly recommended that you download directly from the developer to avoid any 

potential viruses or fake files. Downloading the Nmap installer includes Zenmap, the 

graphical interface for Nmap which makes it easy for newcomers to perform scans 

without having to learn command lines.

The Zenmap program is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. You can find the 

installation files for all operating systems on the Nmap website.

2. Install Nmap. Run the installer once it is finished downloading. You will be asked which 

components you would like to install. In order to get the full benefit of Nmap, keep all of 

these checked. Nmap will not install any adware or spyware.

Step 1:

3. Run the "Nmap – Zenmap" GUI program. If you left your settings at default during 

installation, you should be able to see an icon for it on your desktop. If not, look in your 

Start menu. Opening Zenmap will start the program.

Step 2:

4. Enter in the target for your scan. The Zenmap program makes scanning a fairly simple 

process. The first step to running a scan is choosing your target. You can enter a domain 

(example.com), an IP address (, a network (, or a combination of 


 Depending on the intensity and target of your scan, running an Nmap scan may be against 

the terms of your internet service provider, and may land you in hot water. Always check 

your local laws and your ISP contract before performing Nmap scans on targets other 

than your own network.

Step 3:

5. Choose your Profile. Profiles are preset groupings of modifiers that change what is 

scanned. The profiles allow you to quickly select different types of scans without having 

to type in the modifiers on the command line. Choose the profile that best fits your needs

 Intense scan - A comprehensive scan. Contains Operating System (OS) detection, 

version detection, script scanning, traceroute, and has aggressive scan timing. This is 

considered an intrusive scan.

 Ping scan - This scan simply detects if the targets are online, it does not scan any ports.

 Quick scan - This is quicker than a regular scan due to aggressive timing and only 

scanning select ports.

 Regular scan - This is the standard Nmap scan without any modifiers. It will return ping 

and return open ports on the target.

Step 4:

6. Click Scan to start scanning. The active results of the scan will be displayed in the 

Nmap Output tab. The time the scan takes will depend on the scan profile you chose, the 

physical distance to the target, and the target’s network configuration.

Step 5:

7. Read your results. Once the scan is finished, you’ll see the message "Nmap done" at the 

bottom of the Nmap Output tab. You can now check your results, depending on the type 

of scan you performed. All of the results will be listed in the main Nmap Output tab, but 

you can use the other tabs to get a better look at specific data.[2]

 Ports/Hosts - This tab will show the results of your port scan, including the services for 

those ports.

 Topology - This shows the traceroute for the scan you performed. You can see how many 

hops your data goes through to reach the target.

 Host Details - This shows a summary of your target learned through scans, such as the 

number of ports, IP addresses, hostnames, operating systems, and more.

 Scans - This tab stores the commands of your previously-run scans. This allows you to 

quickly re-scan with a specific set of parameters.


AIM: Operating System Detection using Nmap

Step 1: Step 2:

Step 3:


AIM: Do the following using NS2 Simulator

NS2 Simulator-Introduction.

1. What is NS2

NS2 stands for Network Simulator Version 2. It is an open-source event-driven simulator designed 

specifically for research in computer communication networks.

2. Features of NS2

1. It is a discrete event simulator for networking research.

2. It provides substantial support to simulate bunch of protocols like TCP, FTP, UDP, https and DSR.

3. It simulates wired and wireless network.

4. It is primarily Unix based.

5. Uses TCL as its scripting language.

6. Otcl: Object oriented support

7. Tclcl: C++ and otcl linkage

8. Discrete event scheduler

3. Basic Architecture

NS2 consists of two key languages: C++ and Object-oriented Tool Command Language (OTcl). While the 

C++ defines the internal mechanism (i.e., a backend) of the simulation objects, the OTcl sets up simulation 

by assembling and configuring the objects as well as scheduling discrete events. The C++ and the OTcl are 

linked together using TclCL

Basic Architecture of Network simulator 2

Simulate to Find the Number of Packets Dropped

//creating an agent object 

 set ping0 [new Agent/Ping]

 //agent object node0

 $ns attach-agent $n0 $ping0

 set ping1 [new Agent/Ping]

 //agent object node1

 $ns attach-agent $n1 $ping1

 set ping4 [new Agent/Ping]

 //agent object node4

 $ns attach-agent $n4 $ping4

 set ping5 [new Agent/Ping]

 //agent object node5

 $ns attach-agent $n5 $ping5

 //node2 and node3 acts as an intermediate nodes

 //$ns connect $source $destination

 $ns connect $ping0 $ping4 

 $ns connect $ping1 $ping5 

 //function to constantly ping th destination at an interval of 0.01s

 proc sendPingPacket {} {

 //global objects

 global ns ping0 ping1

 //time interval

 set time 0.01

 //sets now with the current time of simulation

 set now [$ns now]

 //when the current simulation time($now) + time($time = 0.01) occurs a ping is sent to 

the destination

 $ns at [expr $now + $time] "$ping0 send"

 $ns at [expr $now + $time] "$ping1 send"

 //pingPacket is sent

 $ns at [expr $now + $time] "sendPingPacket"


//In the Tcl code, a procedure 'Agent/Ping recv {from rtt}' has to be defined which 

allows the user to react to the ping result.

 Agent/Ping instproc recv {from rtt} {

 global seq

 $self instvar node_


 $ns at 0.01 "sendPingPacket"

 $ns at 10.0 "finish"

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